Czech Republic
„Biologická Olympiáda“
- Established since: 1966
- Website: Official website
- Website language: Czech

Contact data
- E-mail:
- Website:
- Official website
Country coordinator
- Name:
- RnDr. Jan Černý
Hosting institution
Faculty of Science, Charles University
Albertov 6
12800, Prague 2
Czech Republic
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Ministry of Education is the main source of funding. On the other hand, they don’t participate in the NBO organization. The NBO is organized by Faculty of Science (Charles University) together with National Biology Olympiad Committee and supported by many volunteers - often former participants of the NBO.
Competition is divided into four categories: A, B, C, and D. Students can start with the category D at the age of 12 and finish in category A as 19-20 years old. For categories B, C and D, there are 2 rounds: school and regional one. Category A has 3 rounds: school round in winter, regional round in March/April and national round (hosted by one of the Czech universities or top high schools). Each year is the NBO focused on a particular topic.
Between 17,000 and 20,000 pupils and students usually participates in the first round of NBO. Coronavirus pandemy lowered this number but in 2023 we had again almost 19,000 participants .
In all competition rounds there are practical laboratory parts, theoretical test and identification of animal and plant species. National competition in category A also includes fieldwork.
Theoretical tests are multiple-choice exams with 1 or 2 possible correct answers and 30-50 questions. All subjects of biology are proportionally covered, including biosystematics, ecology, evolution and ethology.
There are summer camps for the best students from the regional competition of all categories in July. For the IBO final selection as well as training, there is one course with extensive testing at the end of May at the Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague (usually 5 days in total).
The NBO is focused eache year on a particular topic. This topic is covered by approx. 100 pages booklet, often written by the senior university students or university teachers (for category A&B). For category C&D, shorter text is prepared by a group of secondary school teachers. Printed version of the booklet is distributed to all relevant secondary schools and electronic version is accessible on-line at
The regional winners receive certificates. Best competitors in the national level are awarded with books and prizes from sponsors. The main sponsor is for many years the company Olympus, other sponsors are universities and local companies. Successful participants of the national round are accepted to several universities without entrance exam.
Competition is divided into four categories: A, B, C, and D. Students can participate in the category D at the age of 12 and finish in category A as 19-20 years old. Younger students could compete in a category for older students (but they have to choose always just onecategory).
School year lasts from 1st September to 30th June.
minimum 1 hour/week, maximum 4 hours/week
27 - 35
Public Relations
Long tradition makes Biology Olympiad well known among students and teachers. The invitation and some materials are distributed to directors of high/secondary schools in the Czech Republic. Wast majority of schools take part in the competition. The website of the NBO is widely used as an information hub. Other material is distributed via e-mails.
The Secretary of Czech NBO
Number of participants in school rounds per year (average 2021 - 2023):
Category A (year 7&8 of the eight-year secondary school): almost 2000
Category B (year 5&6 of the eight-year secondary school): almost 3000
Category C (year 3&4 of the eight-year secondary school): circa 7000
Category D (year 1&2 of the eight-year secondary school): circa 7000
Local newspaper or radio usually report about successful students from their region. Articles about NBO are regularly published in the Czech educational or science magazines.