- Established since: 2009
- Website: Official website
- Website language: Hungarian (Hungary)

Contact data
- E-mail:
- Website:
- Official website
Country coordinator
- Name:
- Sandor Ban
Hosting institution
MABITE (Association of Hungarian Biology Teachers) and University of Szeged
Tisza L. krt. 6-8., Termosz Laboratory
6720, Szeged
n.a., Hungary
Ministry of Human Resources - Ministry of State for Public Education
The main organizeris MABITE (Biology Teachers' Association) in cooperation with the University of Szeged, Faculty Science and Informatics
There is only one category and is open to all secondary school studentswho fulfills the following criteria:
- attends a secondary school where the official National Core Curriculum (NAT) based, and officially authorized Framework Curriculum is followed
- is born on 1 July or later of the year of the competition minus twenty
- attends the school in fulltime work schedule (private learners with personal work schedule are excluded)
- mainly students in their 11th, 12th or 13th schoolyear
- advances to the second round of the National Biology Competition (OKTV Biologia I. or II.), which assesses basic factual knowledge and lets cca. 500 students/year to advance to the second round - some exceptions can be requested in certain cases
- accepts the Rules and Regulations of IBOHUN Selection Competition (IBOHUN Versenyszabalyzat)
- fills in the online application questionnaire
0th round:
- 1 st round of the National Biology Comeptition for Secondary School Students (OKTV Biologia – categories I and II)
- organized by the official Public Education Office
- paper based test proctored by local schoolteachers according to the rules
1st and 2nd round:
- open to all eligible applicants
- Online tests (90-120 min/test) - test system
- raw scores are normalized to t(1st) and t(2nd)
- summarized result of the two online tests is given as:
- t(II) = t(1st) + t(2nd)
3rd round:
- eligible participants are the top 25-30 contestants based on t(II) scores – not less than 1/3 of the participants should be male/female students and not less than 1/4 of the participants should be in their non-final schoolyear
- organized by MABITE
- takes place in Budapest – one afternoon
- onsite paper-based test
- raw scores are normalized to t(3rd) value
- three hours – mainly calculation problems based on the Practicals announced by the current host
- final score at the end of the round: t(III)= 2*t(3rd) + t(II)
4th round
- eligible participants are the top 12-16 contestants based on t(III) scores – not less than 1/3 of the participants should be male/female students and not less than 1/4 of the participants should be in their non-final schoolyear
- organized by MABITE
- takes place in Szeged (Termosz Laboratory) – two consecutive days
- previous year’s IBO theory tests – raw scores are normalized to t(theo)
- 3-4 practicals based on the announced practcials by the current host of the IBO – raw scores are normalized in each practical, the average is the t(prac)
- Final score of the HUNBIO competition is t(final)
- t(final)= 0.5*(t(III)) + 4*(t(prac)) + 4*(t(theo))
- previous national and international science / biology competition results may also be included (added) in the calculation of the final score in some years as t(comp), which cannot be more than 10% of the t(final) – this is needed in some years when we expect many capable competitors, and this fact is announced well before the NBO starts
Team members
- after ranking the competitors based on t(final), the top four participants will be selected as IBO team members
- in some years, when a selected competitor is not able or not recommended to participate at the IBO, the fifth or sixth competitor will be invited as a team member
- National Biology Competition - serves as 0th round: cca. 5 000 contestants
- 1st round of HUNBIO: 100-120 students who got into the second round of National Biology Competition
- COVID pandemic decreased the number of applicants
- 0th round: National Biology Competition - paper based MCQ tests with knowledge based questions (120 questions; 150 points; 4 hours)
- 1st and 2nd round of HUNBIO - online test MCQ + Calculations (35-50 questions; 70-100 points; 90-120 min)
- 3rd round of HUNBIO - paper based test with calculation, graphing, evaluation, data analysis questions (3-4 tasksheets, each with 20-30 questions; 180 min)
- 4th round of HUNBIO - Theory: previous year's IBO tasks as they are (2* 180 min)
- 4th round of HUNBIO - Practicals: 3-4 laboratory tasks (each is 90 min)
No training for NBO
10-14 days of training for the Team members before the IBO
- Campbell book (9th-12th edition)
- previous IBO tasks
- - biointeractive contents
- Physioex
- lab maunuals and protocols
No awads or prizes. We sometimes issue a certificate of attendance and results.
There is only one category and is open to all secondary school studentswho fulfills the following criteria:
- attends a secondary school where the official National Core Curriculum (NAT) based, and officially authorized Framework Curriculum is followed
- is born on 1 July or later of the year of the competition minus twenty
- attends the school in fulltime work schedule (private learners with personal work schedule are excluded)
- mainly students in their 11th, 12th or 13th schoolyear
- advances to the second round of the National Biology Competition (OKTV Biologia I. or II.), which assesses basic factual knowledge and lets cca. 500 students/year to advance to the second round - some exceptions can be requested in certain cases
- accepts the Rules and Regulations of IBOHUN Selection Competition (IBOHUN Versenyszabalyzat)
- fills in the online application questionnaire
September - June
2-5 hours/week in schools following the public education curriculum
32-37 classes/week in general education
Public Relations
Schools are informed via the principals and the Biology / Science HoDs on the opportunity in mid February via email.
MABITE (Association of Biology Teachers in Hungary)
- 2021: 67 students from 20 schools (4.3% of eligible schools)
- 2020: 82 students from 28 schools (6% of eligible schools)
- 2019: 106 students from 32 schools (7% of eligible schools)
- 2018: 127 students from 36 schools (7.7% of eligible schools)
- 2017: 97 students from 27 schools (6% of eligible schools)
- 2016: 122 students from 32 schools (7% of eligible schools)
Usually local media make interview with some competitors occasionally.
National Tvs/journals/newsportals announce the results occasionally (once in each 3-4 years)
- We have our logo from 2021.
- Previously we used the logo of the MABITE (Biology Teachers' Association)
- There are no posters or leaflets in use