
„Japan Biology Olympiad Committee“


Contact data

Country coordinator

Dr. Diachi Suzuki

Hosting institution

Japan Science Foundation
2-1 Kitanomaru Park, Science Personnel Development Department
Tokyo, Japan


Appointing institution

Japan Science Foundation


Organization & structure

Japan Science Foundation

3 rounds

1st round: May to July

2nd round: August

3rd: January to February

The 3rd round is hosted by JSF

Number of students in first round

about 4000


Theory exam by paper in the round1. At high schools volunteered all over Japan

Practical exam in the second round (about 80 students) at university volunteered

Theory exam in the round 3 (about 15 students) at JSF


3-days special training camp for lab classes at volunteered university

Special training classes for 3 days at volunteered university 

Study materials

We are not providing any materials for student to prepare for the IBO, other than the special trainings above.

Awards & prizes

The winners of JBO are given a certificate for their performance in the JBO round2 and round 3.


Type of students

Junior high and high school students

School year


Biology hours/week

No research data

Hours of Classes/week

No research data but,

In the current curriculum for high school,

85% of high school 2nd to 3rd year students (nationwide) take 2 credits of basic biology (cell metabolism, molecular genetics, homeostasis, ecology).

20% or less of high school 2nd to 3rd year students (nationwide) take 4 credits of biology (elective subjects) .

Public Relations


We send posters and leaflets to high schools in the country every March, to encourage students to sign up for the first round contest.

Promotion contact

JBO office

Statistics over the years
  • 2019: 4954 students from 585 schools (4% of eligible schools)

In 2019, the number of high schools in Japan was 4874 and the number of junior high schools was 10142. The number of high schools with participants was 481, and the number of junior high schools with participants was 104. Looking only at high schools, the percentage of high schools with participants is about 10%.

Media coverage



Logo of Japan Biology Olympiad Committee [JPG, 99.9 KB] Download Poster of Japan Biology Olympiad Committee [PDF, 2.9 MB] Download Leaflet of Japan Biology Olympiad Committee [PDF, 1.2 MB] Download
Description of attached files:

Every year, we send leaflets and posters like the ones shown here to schools nationwide to encourage junior high and high school students to participate in JBO competitions. We also promote using our website and SNS.