„All-Russian School Olympiad in Biology“
- Established since: 1979
- Website: Official website
- Website language: Russian

Contact data
- E-mail:
- Website:
- Official website
Country coordinator
Hosting institution
Lomonosov Moscow State University, School of Biology
Leninskie Gory 1 bld. 12, 266
119234, Moscow
Ministry of Education of Russian Federation
Call center: Tel. +7 (495) 539-55-19 (Monday-Thursday: 9:00-18:00, Friday: 9:00-16:45)
E-mail of the Ministry of Education of Russia:
Fax of the Ministry of Education of Russia: +7 (495) 587-01-13
Press service: Tel. +7 (495) 587-01-10 ext. 3622 (Monday-Thursday: 9:00-18:00, Friday: 9:00-17:00)
Postal Address:2, Karetny Ryad st., Moscow 127006
Short name: Ministry of Education of Russia
Social media:
Ministry of Education each year issues special Order about the next All-Russian School Olympiad which includes information and instructions concerning Russian NBO. This Order is send to all Regional Divisions of Ministry of Education all around Russian Federation and is distributed among Schools and other Education Institutions (Gymnasium, Lyceum, etc.). An information is also published in journal for school teachers “Biology at School” and on the Website of All-Russian School Olympiad (
School Biology Olympiads in Russia have a long history. Initially Olympiads were carried out in some particular schools and cities. Since 1950 local Biology Olympiad is organized by School of Biology of Lomonosov Moscow State University. This Olympiad exists until now. This Olympiad is very popular among not only students from Moscow schools but also among students from Moscow region and other cities of Russian Federation.
The first All-Russian School Biology Olympiad was carried out in 1979 in Barnaul (Altai Region) according to Order of Ministry of Education of Russian Federation. The first six Olympiads were carried out every second year but starting from seventh Olympiad in 1991 they are carried out each year. It is connected with beginning in 1990 International Biology Olympiad (IBO) because only winners of current year Russian NBO can participate in IBO.
Starting from 1994 Russian NBO is carried out in general according the rules of IBO and includes theoretical and practical tests. The scoring also in general corresponds to the rules of IBO.
In 2007 Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation issued the Rules describing all aspects of conducting of all rounds of all Russian School Olympiads (Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, etc.). These rules strictly prescribe the number of winners who can be delegated to the next round of Olympiad. The first grade winners of previous year Russian NBO (usually 3-6 students from each class) can participate directly in 4th round of current year Russian NBO. In addition each year Ministrty of Education and Science issues special Order about current Russian NBO where the dates of all rounds, the place of 4th round, jury and organizing committee members, etc., are pointed out. Now new version of the Rules describing all aspects of conducting of all rounds of all Russian School Olympiads is in progress.
Now Russian NBO includes four rounds:
1st round – School round (competition among school students of 5th – 11th classes) usually takes place in October-November. The tests are prepared for each class by local jury boards in cities. In Russia more than 1,000,000 (1,229,522 in 2020) students participate in school round.
2nd round – City and Local site round (competition among winners of School round - students of 7th – 11th classes) takes place in November-December. The tests are prepared for each class by local jury boards in cities and local sites. Usually about 200,00 (189,205 in 2020) students participate in city round.
3rd round – Regional round (competition among winners of City round – school students of 9th, 10th and 11th classes) usually takes place in January-February in 89 regions of Russian Federation and two cities (Moscow and St. Petersburg). Usually about 10,000 (9,324 in 2020) students participate in regional round. The tests are prepared by central methodological committee and correspond in general to the tests of IBO. Students from 10th and 11th classes have the same theoretical tests but different practical tests, and students from 9th class have separate tests.
4th round – All-Russian round (competition among winners of Regional round – school students of 9th, 10th and 11th classes) takes place in late April-May. Usually about 230-250 students participate in All-Russian round. The tests are prepared by central methodological committee and correspond to the tests of IBO. Students from 10th and 11th classes have the same theoretical tests but different practical tests, and students from 9th class have separate tests. Practical tests for students from 11th class (abput 100 students) correspond in general to the practical tests of current year IBO. This round is curried out in one of the cities of Russian Federation at the local University. Last years NBO data:
2011 - Belgorod (participated 234 students)
2012 - Orenburg (participated 243 students)
2013 - Orenburg (participated 247 students)
2014 - Saransk (participated 239 students)
2015 - Saransk (participated 227 students)
2016 - Ul'yanovsk (participated 244 students)
2017 – Ul'yanovsk (participated 246 students)
2018 – Stavropol (participated 238 students)
2019 – Stavropol (participated 236 students)
2020 - cancelled
2021 - Ufa (participated 307 students)
2022 - Sochi Sirius (participated 311 students)
2023 - Saransk (participated 298 students)
Theoretical and practical tests of Russian NBO correspond in general to the tests of IBO. Tests for 3rd and 4th round are prepared by central methodological committee and correspond to the tests of IBO. Theoretical tests include questions with single correct answer (Part A, about 40-50 questions), tests with multiple choice (Part B, about 40-50 questions), and comparison/confrontation of pictures and statements (Part c, about 15-20 questions).
Practical tests for 9th class include: Botany, Zoology, and Human Anatomy and Physiology.
Practical tests for 10th and 11th classes include: Plant Anatomy and Physiology, Animal and Human Anatomy and Physiology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Genetics, Ecology, Bioinformatics, etc.
Each year Ministry of Education organizes two training courses (December and June, duration 2 weeks) for winners of previous Russian NBO (25-30 students of 9th, 10th and 11th classes from all around Russian Federation). These courses are curried out at Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow). During the courses specialists from the University and other Institutes give lectures and seminars for students in different fields of Biology. Students also have practical training in Laboratories.
Since 2015 Educational Center „Sirius“ (Sochi Surius Federal Territory) (see in English:; in Russian: ) organizes three educatiobal programs in Biology for students from all regions of Russian Federation interested in Biology (up to 200 students simultaneously, 3 weeks) and two-three specialized programs (Physics/Chemistry/Biology, Genetics, Agroculture, etc. (40-50 students in each program).
All other students optionally have training in their own cities at local Universities, Institutes, Schools, etc.
Secondary School and High School textbooks corresponding to the general bachelor’s courses are widely used. Some special literature is also recommended. Foe example, Publishing House “Drofa” issued series of Books “Russian Academy of Sciences – to School Teachers” which include the book (collection of articles)“Actual problems of Biology” written by leading Russian scientists. Publishing House “Prosveshchenie (Education)” issued series of books “Five Rings” which include the books “Biology. All-Russian Olympiads” and “Biology. International Olympiads” written by members of Central methodological committee in Biology of All-Russian School Olympiad. Last two books contain recommendation for school teachers and students in training to Biology Olympiad as well as example tests from previous All-Russian NBO.
All participants of each round of Russian NBO receive “Certificate of Participation” and winners (up to 40% of the number of participants each round. The score of winners should be not less that 50% of maximal points) receive Diplomas and some gifts/souvenirs from Ministry of Education (winners of 4th round) and from local authorities. Winners of 3rd round optionally have free entrance to local (Regional) Universities and Institutes. Winners of 4th round have free entrance to any University in Russian Federation.
Students from secondary Schools
Standard school year - From September to May
Biology hours/week - minimum 1 hour, maximum 6 hours
Biology hours/week - minimum 1 hour, maximum 6 hours
Public Relations
Ministry of Education of Russian Federation and Federal Center of Olympiads (FCOD) of Ministry of Education.
More than 1,000,000 students participate in 1st round of Russian NBO (more than 35,000 (about 80%) schools).
Information about Russian NBO is published in Journal “Biology at School”, on the Web-site of Russian School Olympiad ( ), on TV and in central and regional Newspapers.