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A receipt will be issued to you in person when you receive the book(s).
Please calculate the price as numer of books ordered x 25 Euro. Please add conversion / banking fees if applicable (see below).
Payment Option A: Bank transfer
Payee's name: International Biology Olympiad e.V.
Payment reference: IBO Book - Country / region - Family name*
* must be the same information as in your pre-order
If you use the IBAN system:
IBAN: DE51 2105 0170 1002 8053 21
BIC (Swift Code): NOLADE21KIE
If you do not use the IBAN system:
Account number: 1002805321
Bank address: Lorentzendamm 28-30
24103 KIEL
Banking and currency conversion fees:
Any bank expenses and charges are to be covered by you. If your bank does not allow for these expenses to be covered from your side, please add 10% to your payment.
Payment Option B: Paypal
To cover paypal fees, please add 10% you payment fee.
Payment reference: IBO Book - Country / region - Family name*
*must be the same information as in your pre-order
You can send your payment by following this link: