IBO 2021 cancelled due to COVID-19 // Virtual substitute event proposed: IBO Challenge 2021
Dear Delegates of IBO,
I am deeply sad to inform you that it will not be possible, once more, to host a face-to-face IBO, due to the pandemic situation that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has created worldwide.
Therefore, we have been working on a Plan B, an online IBO:
IBO Challenge 2021 – A Substitute for the 32nd IBO in Lisbon, Portugal
If feedback from NBOs about the proposed Challenge is favourable, the virtual competition will take place during the same week of July as the originally planned IBO 2021, but the programme will be shortened, starting on Sunday, 18 July 2021 and ending on Friday, 23 July.
During these days, we plan 1 theoretical exam and 1 mixed practical-and-theoretical exam, held on consecutive days. This second exam will cover the subjects previously announced for the original IBO 2021 practicals, but it will be based on a world tour around different ecosystems and will require students to view and analyse videos.
A respective event website with more details will be published by the end of February.
Our Scientific Commission is working very hard to offer the best possible proposal that will lead us towards a regular IBO as far as possible. Despite our efforts, please notice that the virtual IBO Challenge 2021 cannot become an IBO in the narrow sense and cannot be strictly organized along the principles of IBO’s Operational Guidelines.
If you have any questions, please contact us: ibo2021portugal@ordembiologos.pt
José Matos
Coordinator of IBO 2021 / IBO Challenge 2021